"Placing health and well-being at the core of national, regional, urban, and organisational development strategies is our mission"

Gabriel Messmer
President of Evaleo
Gabriel Messmer
President of Evaleo
Evaleo is an international non-profit organisation with the goal to inspire and enable people to adopt an active, healthy, and fulfilling lifestyle. To achieve this, we carry out a mission of education, development, and active promotion.
We are a worldwide alliance of experts, professionals, and partners, federated around the common vision of sustainable health and well-being for everyone, and acting together through the implementation of programmes and interventions aimed at generating positive impacts.
Through our programmes, accompaniment services, shared resources, tools, best practices, certification schemes, and events, we act as a real interface between the needs identified among populations and the stakeholders, and contribute to the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Life and development are at the heart of our work, and in everything we do, we seek to maintain cohesion between:
Needs and resources of each individual
Coherence between individual needs and the needs and resources of collectives and the society
Human and long-term environmental needs and resources
Integrated solutions
We operate primarily in the area of governance for well-being and sustainable health and favour multi-partner and multi-sectoral approaches at the level of governments, regions, cities, organisations, and individuals to together develop, design, improve, evaluate, and implement sustainable and tailored initiatives.
International policy
We participate in the development of international policies with global actors such as UNESCO and WHO. These include the Kazan Action Plan « Foundation of the Global Framework for Leveraging Sport for Development and Peace » and the WHO Global Action Plan 2018-2030 for the promotion of Physical Activity.
Transformation agents and coordinator-integrators
Well-being and sustainable health architects designing integrated solutions
Our accompanying and co-development tools and services are delivered at micro to macro levels, through the following schemes and programmes:
A network-based structure with collaborative frameworks and tools of action focused on creating long term measurable impacts and developing initiatives contributing to that objective
Initiated from the collaboration of Evaleo, the Active Well-being Initiative, and the Active Well-being Foundation
An international standard, a certification scheme, and an education & empowerment programme for cities
Developed in partnership with TAFISA and Liverpool John Moores University, with the support of the International Olympic Committee
Programme and label for universities aimed at enhancing active lifestyle and well-being of students worldwide
Developed and implemented by the International University Sports Federation (FISU) with Evaleo as development partner
Assisting cities in implementing the PACTE Matrix, a multidimensional tool with an overall approach on Active City Governance
Erasmus+ project led by Sport & Citizenship in partnership with Evaleo
A new certification coming to European workplaces in 2023 to promote physical activity at work
Co-developed by the European Federation of Company Sport and Evaleo